
This is the sitediary.net project

Currently I am a very early pre-development phase and mostly researching requirements and ressources.
The goal of this independant project is to develop a site diary platform with a no-code/low-code approach based on the ‘Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware’ FreeOpenSourceSoftware ‘no-code/low-code web application framework’ and a set of tools and application existing or emerging in various projects of the ‘Federated Bookkeeping’ cooperative, especially ‘meld’ and ‘timeld’ amongst others.

If you want to contribute to this project or you have questions write to info (at) sitediary (dot) net

My main principles

(and why we’ve chosen to use the tools of the ‘Federated Bookkeeping’ Cooperative)

  1. data-souvereignity for individual users and organisations

  2. preservation of data security and confidentiality

  3. freedom of choice

  4. strict use of existing open standards

My development objectives

  1. allow the indivual user to chose easy to use mobile clients for his device

  2. allow the organisation to sync, federate and process all contributed data in secure environment

  3. offer a convenient way of administrating and managing users, data and software environment

  4. practice federation of planning data and bookkeeping data in secure environments

  5. guarantee growing interoprability between an increasing number of free web and mobile applications

More information